Learn about pests in your area and learn how to identify them and how to exterminate them. Most common pests found in our area are Mosquitoes, Ants, Termites, Rodents, Spiders, Bed Bugs, Roaches.
When we think of a tiny mouse, our minds often revert to Mickey or cute innocent pets. In actuality, rodents are common pests that is unwelcome due to their disgusting nature and tendency to mettle into our cabinets and kitchens. Rats may be up to a foot in length, not including the tail, while mice are smaller, being approximately three to five inches long. Both of these types of rodents usually have brown, gray or black hair. Rats and mice can be found all over the world, and some of the most pests are the house mouse, the roof rat, and the Norway rat.
How to Prevent/Control
The best way to get rid of rodents is to control and maintain your environment. Seal holes between the outside and inside, including windows, since rats and mice are excellent mountaineers. Store garbage and food in hermetically sealed containers and clean logs or anything else that can work as a home for a rodent. Spray them with a solution of horseradish, garlic and cayenne pepper to deter mice and rats if they are attracted to your property.

The silverfish is a small, wingless insect and their size ranges from a quarter to half an inch long. They have a very long body and possess three pairs of legs. They look a lot like a small fish because of their body shape and the small scales on it.
Elimination or Control
In order to prevent silverfish from coming into your home, it is necessary to follow these precautions: turn on the bathroom fan while showering, open vents and small compartments in the basement, invest in a dehumidifier, and get rid of wet debris found around your home. Silverfish may be taken care of by setting up traps and some natural remedies.

Some facts about Spiders
The spider can be a fascinating and also a startling pest. There are different species of them, and they extend in size and shading. What may astound you, however, is that for the most part, the bigger ones aren’t as risky when compared to the smaller ones. You can judge what a spider will do in light of the size and looks alone.
How to control
Most of the time, spiders keep to themselves and can actually reduce populations of other pests. If you’re concerned about poisonous spiders, call a local pest control organization, since they become dangerous when disturbed. Clear away clutter in the house, trim long grass or vegetation outside, and get in the habit of cleaning and vacuuming storage areas regularly. Discourage regular spider populations from getting out of hand by spraying nests with saline solution. A spray made with crushed chestnuts or essential oils can also be effective in getting rid of arachnids.

Termites have particular notoriety for eating wood, these creatures are now and again known as white ants in Australia. They ordinarily feast upon dead plant material, for example, family unit furniture or fallen trees. Much like ants, termites cooperate to bolster, sustain and secure their state.
How to Control
Prevent termites by keeping mulch piles and woodpiles far from a house’s foundation (30 feet if possible). Don’t build wooden structures against the foundation or near a crawl space, and keep plant material to a minimum. Borax, orange oil, and neem tree oil are effective but non-toxic (to humans and pets, at least) chemical treatments. Introducing a harmless predatory species, like nematodes, to your yard can also keep termite populations in check.

Little Black Ant: Ant workers are 1/10-1/8 inch in length and have black bodies. This type of ant is found on rotting wood and in soil, and these ants feed on many types of food sources.
Cornfield Ant: These ants are 1/8-1/4 inch in length, light to dark brown in color, soft-bodied, and robust. When their body is crushed it has an acid odor, and these ants feed on seeds.
Larger Yellow Ant: When this type of ant is crushed it gives off a lemon-verbena odor. They live in the soil and on the roots of plants.
How to control
The most effective and successful ant control method is performed by destroying the nest. If the nest destroyed does not kill the queen and the young, then the population will continue. Many ant pesticides are toxic and can be harmful for pets and kids, but many exterminators today, such as Go-Forth Pest Control, use chemicals that are pet and kid safe. If you’re treating the lawn yourself, make sure you read the pesticide label and do not allow children to play on the lawn until the chemicals have been washed and the grass has dried.

Bed bugs are very similar to mosquitoes and fleas because they too live by feeding off of blood. However, unlike common pests, they are nocturnal and more active at night, preferring to feed in the dark when people are asleep. They are not always evident so many people ignore symptoms while the epidemic slowly continues to grow. If they remain undiscovered for a period of time, they can grow to large numbers throughout your home very quickly. They are extremely difficult to prevent, given their ability to hide away discreetly in many different spaces. These tiny creatures are small enough to stay hidden in a suitcase, furniture, or clothing and can move from place to place very quickly.
How to Prevent/Control
The more these insects reproduce, the more they disperse. Bed bugs do not have nests like ants or other pests do. They prefer to hide in cracks, furniture or chairs, and any other space available for them to thrive in.

Bed Bugs
Centipedes are predators that live in the wetlands. These nocturnal creatures hunt insects and spiders at night. They are quite similar to the millipedes, with the difference being that they have only one pair of legs per body segment, while millipedes have two pairs of legs per body segment. They are rarely seen inside homes, except for the house centipede that can breed in vacant spaces and cellars. The house centipede is recognized for its extremely long legs.
How to Prevent/Control
Centipedes usually enter homes in the fall or winter months, or during times of cooler temperatures. They are regularly found in storm cellars and carports, both of which display alluring conditions for this critter. An expanded populace inside the home might be ascribed to one of two things: an accessible bug nourishment source or, all the more normally, progressively muggy conditions.

Cockroaches are one of the toughest pests to get rid of. They have adapted very well to deprive themselves of food and water for weeks, making them highly adaptable to different situations. There are around 70 different types of cockroaches found in the United States, and around 4,000 types in the world.
Cockroaches live close to food and water, so many discover them in kitchens and in warm environments. It’s important to eliminate them fast, because they multiply very quickly. So quickly that in a matter of one month, baby cockroaches are reproducing their own babies. Not only do they multiply extremely fast, but they also pose a health risk. They can spread many diseases like asthma and allergies, since they bring numerous variations of bacteria and germs by shedding their skins and contaminating food and kitchen surfaces.

Fleas are insects that have a red-brown body, and are about 1/8 inch long. They have a narrow body and long claws on all six of their legs.
How to Control
Using pet preventative medications can stop fleas from latching on in the first place. Although once they have made it indoors they are difficult to remove. Begin by vacuuming frequently (especially in areas where your pets hang out) and discard each bag after every session. Wash your pets frequently with soap and hot water, or purchase flea shampoos/products. Use traps that attract bugs by emitting light and heat. Natural herbs and aromatics such as lemon, citronella, wormwood, and rosemary can also deter fleas from sticking around. Mix a few drops of oil with water in a spray bottle and spray pets every other day. They are small, hard bodied, active insects that are wingless but possess powerful legs that are well fit for jumping. They are most commonly reported of infesting in connection with late summer. In temporarily vacant houses that are undisturbed by cleaning activities, fleas multiply rapidly, so that when the occupants return they are met by large numbers of these insects.

Most Common Flying Pests
The most common type of wasps are yellow jackets and hornets. They can build nests anywhere convenient around your property, and they will try to harm you if they feel threatened.
Yellow Jackets
Yellow jackets have a yellow and black yellow pattern and live in nests constructed of paper carton. They are slow to sting, but when threatened they will sting you to protect their nest. It is not recommended to remove stinging insects on your own because they can be dangerous, especially when they feel threatened.
Flies contaminate food with more than 100 pathogens, salmonella, malaria, and tuberculosis. The house fly is the most common fly, and although they live for a small period of time, they multiply very rapidly. Fruit flies are very small disease vectors, and nuisance pests that thrive from decaying fruits.

Flying Pest
There are over 1,000 species of Millipedes in the United States alone, and 15,000 millipede species that have been identified. Millipedes are a North American insect that lives in the outdoors in damp areas. Typically a brown color, these long segmented creatures will have two pairs of legs attached to each segment. Their size ranges from 1/16 of an inch to a whole 12 inches!
Elimination or Control
The first step to eliminating this pest is properly identifying them. Make sure to clean up grass and leaves in your yard so millipedes will not have any food. Seal cracks in your pavement that cradle water and rake the thatch that has gotten on the lawn. In your home, seal all cracks and crevices that a millipede can make their way through. If a millipede does make their way into the home, an easy chemical-free solution is to use a vacuum to suck them up. If that is not an effective treatment, consider a chemical insect killer for inside or outside the home or call a professional local exterminator.

Mosquitoes are obnoxious tormentors that are capable of spreading sicknesses to people and creatures alike. Specifically, the feared West Nile Virus, carried by mosquitoes, has had increased attention. This mosquito-borne malady was first found in Africa, in 1937 and didn’t show up in North America until 1999. As of recently, reports of this spreading infection and the yearly increment of deaths in America have started to develop concern and dread of this minor creepy crawly.
Mosquito Control
Yes, it is possible to manage mosquitoes without pouring on the DEET. First, make the house an inhospitable environment for the insects — keep windows closed and install screens, drain any standing water (to prevent breeding), and keep yard grass short. Before hanging out outdoors during the spring or summer, put on long sleeves and pants and apply a natural repellent such as lemon, eucalyptus oil, or another essential oil like lavender, peppermint, or citronella.